CSS Transatlantic Workshop: Active Engagement, Modern Defense, and Military Interventions
by myFletcher
Registration is now closed (this event already took place).
Keynote Discussion: NATO Strategy Towards Persistent and New Challenges: 10 Years of "Active Engagement and Modern Defense"
10:00 - 11:00 am ET
Introductory address:
Rachel Kyte, Dean of the Fletcher School, Tufts University.
Manuel Muniz, Secretary of State for Global Spain at the Spanish Foreign Ministry. Previously the Dean of the School of Global and Public Affairs at IE University and the Director of the Program on Transatlantic Relations at Harvard University's Weatherhead Center for International Affairs.
Jamie Shea, Deputy Assistant Secretary General of NATO for Emerging Security Challenges 2010-2018.
NATO and the great powers: Members, Partners, Potential Adversaries
11:15 am - 12:30 pm ET
This roundtable intends to reflect on the relations between the alliance and the great powers, including NATO members, partners, and potential adversaries. The discussion will touch upon the relations between NATO and the United States, the European Union, Russia, and China in the past, present, and near future.
EJ Herold, Executive Director of IISS–Americas, former NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investment
NATO Capabilities: Defending Members, Building Partnerships, Deterring Adversaries
Mary Sarotte, Marie-Josée and Henry R. Kravis Distinguished Professor of Historical Studies at SAIS
NATO-Russia Relations from a Western Perspective
Robert Bell, Defense Advisor (DEFAD) to the U.S. Ambassador to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (2010 - 2017), PhD Candidate at Fletcher.
NATO-US Relations under Obama and Trump Administrations
Igor Istomin, Associate Professor, Department of Applied International Political
Analysis, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO); Senior Scholar, Davis Center, Harvard University
Russia-NATO Relations from Russian Perspective
Thomas Cavanna, Assistant Research Professor of Strategic Studies, Fletcher School
China-Europe and NATO
NATO's role in military interventions: Past, Present, and Future
12:45 - 2:00 pm ET
This roundtable aims to shed light on the challenges and opportunities related to multilateral interventions and their implications for collective security. The discussion will touch upon the costs of military interventions, the importance of allied support, and consider the effect of multilateral interventions on intra-alliance relations.
Ariella Viehe, Head of Operations "B" – Afghanistan, Iraq, and the Global Coalition, on the NATO International Staff
NATO's role in Iraq and Afghanistan
Monica Duffy Toft, Professor of International Politics at Fletcher School, CSS Director
MIP findings on the costs of military interventions with and without allied support
Lydia Sizer, former Libya Desk Officer, U.S. Department of State, Fletcher PhD Candidate
Libya Intervention and US-NATO relations
Col. Karst Brandsma, Director of Training and Exercises for US Army Europe and Africa, Fletcher PhD Candidate
NATO Convergence and Interoperability for Multilateral Action