Banner for The Kortunov Global Affairs Debates: The Rise of China and the End of the Liberal World Order

The Kortunov Global Affairs Debates: The Rise of China and the End of the Liberal World Order

by myFletcher

Panel Presentation Eurasia

Tue, Sep 21, 2021

11 AM – 12:30 PM EDT (GMT-4)

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The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC), and the Center for the Support and Development of Public Initiatives Creative Diplomacy (PICREADI) welcome you to The Kortunov Global Affairs Debates. The Debates are conducted in the format of a rhetorical competition that deals with foreign policy and international relations. Please make sure to register via myFletcher to participate in the event on Zoom.

The annual Debates are held in memory of Dr. Sergei V. Kortunov, a Russian political scientist and the author of many publications on national security and identity. In 2021, the Debates will take place in the format of discussions on three topics among experts from The Fletcher School, RIAC, and other institutions. In each debate, two sides, each consisting of two speakers, will argue alternative yes/no positions on the question at hand.

The audience will vote yes/no on the question posed within the debate. The voting will take place before and after the discussion. The goal is to understand to what extent the audience changes its attitude toward the presented topic and whether a speaker manages to be persuasive.

Question: Does the rise of China threaten the liberal international order?


Michael Beckley, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Tufts University

Duncan Freeman, Research Fellow, EU-China Research Centre, College of Europe

Anatol Lieven, Professor, Georgetown University; Visiting Professor, King's College London; Fellow, New America Foundation

Alexander Lukin, Professor, Department Head, School of International Affairs, National Research University Higher School of Economics